Monday 11 February 2013

The Art of Failing Forwards

We're all human, we all make mistakes. Sometimes they're little inconsequential ones sometimes they're huge I'll-never-get-a-good-night's-sleep-ever-again ones.

One of the most important things in life, and never more so than in business, is to learn from our mistakes and take something positive from them. Making a mistake isn’t the end of the world, but pretending it hasn’t happened and not dealing with it promptly might have dire consequences.

What may seem like a catastrophic failure at the time may turn out to be the lightbulb moment that sparks a product alteration that not only improves your product but gives you an advantage over your competitors and a stronger USP.

You might find that a failure in delivering your service to a client will give you the opportunity to go the extra mile in sorting the problem which will speak volumes for your excellent customer service. Small mistakes can often be dealt with behind the scenes so your customer is oblivious, but if the consequences of your mistake are all too evident, it's important that you're quick to hold your hand up and take responsibility for the problem. This will limit the damage to your customer relationship and give your customer faith in your business integrity. Once you have solved the problem successfully you may even find that your customer turns into your biggest promoter.

Avoid making silly mistakes because you're trying to do too much, if you need some extra hours in the day to help you run your business, have some of ours!

Photo : twenty_questions

Tuesday 5 February 2013

New beginnings

Hello friends

Welcome to the Hatstand Headspace!

Here I'll be writing bits and pieces of (hopefully) useful thoughts and ideas for small business owners, sharing articles and information that I've found inspirational or informative and maybe starting the odd discussion or two.

Join me?


Don't forget, if you need some extra hours in the day to help you run your business, have some of ours!

Photo : Clearly Ambiguous